Monday 26 December 2016

Is there any steps that will make me a perfect muslim!!!!

1) Believe in Allah.
2) Believe in his Nabi & Rasuls.
3) Believe in takdir (faith).
4) Accept that Allah Almighty exist and that his attributs are beyond our imagination.
5) pray sincerely & Prey in the middle of the night.
6) Recite Allahs name every time.
7) Be grateful for everything.
8) Recite kalimas.
9) Protect your chastiy.
10) Keep your promise.
11) Respect the openion of others.
12) Fast for the right reason & don't break it.
13) Do not lie,cheat,disturbs other etc bad  deeds.
14) Be gracious towerds your parents.
15) Read the Quran a lot.
16) Always think right.
17) Keep your body,clots,houseware & everything your own clean.
18) Always help poor & orphans By any means possible.
19) Repent if you have commited a sin.
20) Believe in Allah
      his massengers,his angels, holy books, takdir, in the day hereafter etc

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